Therapy for Moms

For women who want to love their kids without neglecting themselves.


The work you do is important. And so are you.


Sound familiar?

  • Experiencing constant “mom guilt”

  • Managing a seemingly never-ending to-do list

  • Navigating a workplace that doesn’t honor motherhood

  • Prioritizing your kids’ needs at the expense of your own

  • Struggling to ask for help for fear of being judged

  • Frustrated with a partner who doesn’t “get it”

  • Feeling chronically exhausted

  • Having a hard time “savoring” time with your kids

  • Worrying something bad will happen to your children

  • Feeling unseen and underappreciated

  • Lashing out or feeling angry


You’re starting to question everything you’ve been told about motherhood.

Society tells us that “pregnancy is wonderful—everyone enjoys it!” and “if your children misbehave in public, it’s because you did something wrong.” These messages (and others like them) are in conflict with how you feel day in and day out…and it leaves you feeling like you’re not doing an adequate job.

The truth is, you lay awake at night worrying about what will happen if you can’t get everything done. You wake up early to multi-task (but the to-do list never seems to get shorter). You are “on” in one way or another every moment of every day.

You’re tired. You feel guilty. And you could really use some help.



You’re already a good mom.

What we’ll work on


Seen and supported. We want to offer you a space where your hard work is acknowledged and your value as a mother & woman is celebrated.


The lies society has told you about being a “bad mom” or “not good enough.” Internalize messages and ideas that do serve you.


In self-compassion. Neutralize shame, set realistic expectations for yourself, extend grace to yourself in the same way you do to those you love.


Relatable models for motherhood, rather than the seemingly perfect ones displayed on social media. Cultivate healthy, positive friendships.


Your identity outside of motherhood. Rediscover the pre-motherhood parts of yourself that may have been lost and identify new ones.


Yourself to make decisions, say “no,” and implement habits that honor you. Confidently model these things for your children.


What if

You could embrace peace over perfection?


What if you believed—truly believed—that your children will appreciate a mother who is present over one who is perfect? If you didn’t feel like you’ve lost yourself in motherhood? If you could embrace this season of life while still honoring your own needs?

You’re allowed to put yourself at the top of your to-do list.


Frequently Asked Questions about therapy for moms

  • Because we believe that moms deserve specialized support. The system we live in hasn’t made it easy for moms, especially women of color, and their work is often invisible or undervalued—socially, relationally, politically, and culturally. We want to offer a space where this can start to change: where women can release the lies that they aren’t doing enough and instead embrace their roles as caregivers as well as who they are outside of motherhood.

  • There is power in feeling seen and heard. That is where we start: offering moms a place where they can share all of the thoughts, frustrations, and feelings that they haven’t felt they could express elsewhere. From there, we help them to challenge the distortions that are keeping them trapped in cycles of guilt or shame, emboldening them to take action and to begin trusting themselves and everything they are capable of. We support them in cultivating self-love, self-compassion, and self-trust.

  • We want to match you with the best therapist for your needs. Request a free consultation with us using this link to select a time and date or by contacting our practice directly at: (951) 755-1070. A staff member will answer your questions and give you a sense of what spending time with us is like, then guide you through the next steps for beginning therapy. Se habla Español.

Rejuvenated. Aligned. Enough.

It’s possible.

Our commitment

All of you is welcome here.

When you work with us, we won’t shy away from the hard or taboo parts of life: sex, money, cultural messages, oppression, body shaming—it’s all fair game. We give you permission to share freely, embrace your authenticity, and lean into your own intuition.

Therapy for moms with us is:

  • Culturally responsive

  • LGBTQ-friendly

  • Trauma-informed

  • Body positive

  • Sex-worker allied

  • Social-justice-informed