Self Esteem Therapy

For women who want to own who they are and what they need.


Stop letting self-doubt steal your power.


Sound familiar?

  • Struggling to ask for what you need or want

  • Feeling highly critical of yourself

  • Worried about making a mistake that will “cost you”

  • Experienced lots of criticism as a child

  • Struggling to trust yourself

  • Believing that people are going to see “through” you

  • Difficult relationship with food

  • Comparing yourself to friends or social media

  • Feeling uncomfortable in your body

  • Preoccupied with your flaws


From the outside looking in, you’re someone who has succeeded in so many areas of your life.

But it still doesn’t feel like it’s enough.

You tend to discount or minimize your strengths or accomplishments, and it feels like you’re on a constant merry-go-round with food, dieting, or your relationship with your body. You worry that, at any moment, you’ll be “found out” and exposed as an imposter or fraud. 

It feels like you’re destined for a life of unhappiness if you can’t feel better about who you are.


It’s time to…

Feel proud of who you are.

What we’ll work on


What’s truly important to you. Find a set of core values that are authentic to you and can serve as your North Star as you start making changes.


Yourself to acknowledge all of your incredible gifts, resilience, beauty, and strength. Start embracing these things, rather than dismissing them.


How to articulate what you want & need, whether it’s a raise or more time with your partner on the weekends. Set boundaries with confidence.


In things you love and are good at. Start taking practical steps outside of therapy to find things that light you up and make you feel proud.

Tune In

To your own integrity. Instead of doing things out of expectation or compulsion, feel empowered to do what’s best for you.


The lies that diet culture and social media have told you in the past. Make peace with food and your physical body through Intuitive Eating.


What if

You felt good enough?


What if you could stop the patterns of criticism that were instilled in you as a child? If you could buy that dress or go to that party with no second thoughts about your body or what others will think? If you could stop making yourself small and extend the same compassion to yourself as you do to others?

Don’t let self-doubt keep you from the life you deserve.


Frequently Asked Questions about Self-Esteem Therapy

  • The women we work with have so much they could be proud of about themselves, but they have a hard time acknowledging and embracing it. In therapy, we’ll help to shed light on areas where we see you making yourself small or diminishing yourself and support you in actually leaning into them. We’ll even encourage you to keep a “Brag Book”: a pride and gratitude journal of the things you would normally dismiss about yourself but are actually worth celebrating.

    As you receive support in undoing the messages you’ve received from culture or throughout your childhood and start cultivating a truer and more positive inner dialogue about yourself, you’ll begin to recognize your strengths and the amazing things that make you “you.”

  • Body image and self-esteem are closely linked. If you feel preoccupied with food or uncomfortable in your body, therapy can help you:

    • Challenge the negative thinking and self-talk that’s at play

    • Identify and untangle the messages you’ve been told by society about your size or shape

    • Develop a sense of neutrality (or even joy) about your body

    We are an Anti-Diet, Healthy At Every Size (HAES) practice, which means we believe that your body does not need to change in order to be worthy, accepted, or embraced. Our team can support you in implementing Intuitive Eating principles that prioritize your overall wellness: mental, emotional, relational, and physical.

  • We want to match you with the best therapist for your needs. Request a free consultation with us using this link to select a time and date or by contacting our practice directly at (951) 755-1070. A staff member will be able to answer your questions and give you a sense of what spending time with us is like, then guide you to through the next steps for beginning therapy. Se habla Español.

Worthy. Confident. Enough.

It’s possible.

Our commitment

All of you is welcome here.

When you work with us, we won’t shy away from the hard or taboo parts of life: sex, money, cultural messages, oppression, body shaming—it’s all fair game. We give you permission to share freely, embrace your authenticity, and lean into your own intuition.

Therapy for self-esteem with us is:

  • Culturally responsive

  • LGBTQ-friendly

  • Trauma-informed

  • Body positive

  • Sex-worker allied

  • Social-justice-informed